Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You do not stand on your friends...

This has been a hard week and it is only Wednesday. The kids at school have been out of control and I feel like I am right there with them. Everyone has spring fever ,the weather has been so nice that everyone is just kind of crazy. Along with this great weather has been some serious pollen which is killing me. I have terrible allergies so I have been sneezing and running like crazy, attractive I know. The kids have been so crazy that one of my co-workers actually had to tell a child today that no, it is not okay to stand on your friend, crazy I know but two year olds will be two year olds.
On to workouts, something that also didn't go well yesterday. I managed to make myself go to the gym even though all I wanted to do was go home and crawl in the bed, so I guess that is one positive. Once I was there I told myself that I would be happy with whatever distance I was feeling. Well I can be really hard on myself and I expect every run to be perfect. I have been running less than a month and have already built up to 3 miles I should be so happy but yesterdays run was terrible. I was tired from the get go, my legs felt as if they weighed a million pounds and I never was able to get into the grove. My run on Sunday was perfect, could not have asked for better. I know they all will not be that way but to go from such a high to such a low was terrible. I struggled to get my two miles in that I did yesterday. I wanted to stop so many times but at least pushed myself to two miles. Tonight is Zumba and no running. I love love love Zumba, but even tonight I am having a hard time motivating myself. Wednesday nights are always the most fun class with lots of people and the energy level is high so I know that I will have fun once I am there. I know I am about to sound like an old lady but the class doesn't start till 7:45 so I don't get home till 9, I know it's not that late but I am tired. Its worth it though.
On the weight loss from I am still doing well. I am thinking about doing a wednesday weigh in like I have seen so many people do but to actually post my weight for the world to see is really scary so I am still working up the nerve. Until not long ago not even my husband knew how much I weighed. The numbers on the scale haven't moved much in the last week, only down a pound but my pants are starting to become lose. It is nice to be able to pull out any pair of jeans and they fit or I dare say, are too big!!!! It looks like I will be needing to do some shopping soon. I don't want to buy too many things because I still have a long way to go before my goal so I don't want to have to buy then buy again even though I do love to shop!
I leave you with the work that my wonderful lovie has been doing, with the help of my brother. All of those bushes have now been planted and mulch put out it looks beautiful!
I love it!

All of the hard work paid off, if we can only keep them alive now!

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