Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's A Crazy Beautiful Life

This weekend has been one of the most fun and busy weekends we have had at home in a long time. Parker was wonderful and sleep all night with no problems and did not get up till 7 yipee for that! Then we all got ready for church and headed out. We had to take Chloe to doggie daycare so by the time we were on the road we realized we would be a few minutes late but hey we had a baby to get ready! We met my dad for church which is about 40 minutes away from us and Parker talked to us the whole way up. After church we went back to my dad's house and ate.
pretty church dress

playing on the dock
the minnows were fun to watch

We decided it would be fun to go down to the dock. Everyone had a blast! Parker was walking around checking everything. Then it was time to come back home so we loaded everything up, kids require so many things! On our way out we decided to stop at a nursery because we have been needing bushes for the front of our house for sometimes now. (One day after saying for sometime we needed to something about all of our dead bushed Lovie was out of town so I pulled them up. Well that would have been okay but then we did not replace them till today so the front of our house has looked terrible.) Well, we were able to decide on some pretty quickly and were back in the car headed home. When we got home it was time for Parker to leave, sad day. Once again we gathered up ALL of her things and she was gone. Carrie and Jeff are so lucky for God to have blessed them with such a sweet angel. Sean and I completely enjoyed ourselves this weekend and hope to keep Parker agin very soon!
It was a long weekend!
On to my work out. It went great today! I made to Zumba and had a fun class it was not as challenging as some of the classes but overall was still lots of fun and I definitely go my sweat on. Once I was done with class I was wanting to go for a little run so I headed over to the treadmill. I hate running on the treadmill but it is good for me right now because it helps with my pacing because when I run outside I am all over the place. So, once I started I had the goal of 2 miles. I started running and was feeling great especially because I had already been working out for a hour. So I keep running and running and decided that today we be the day that I tired for my 3.1 a 5k. There were a couple of times I was not sure if I would make it so I would crank up the tunes and keep going. I have been having this really strange toe pain since I started running, it is kind of like two of them are going to sleep but its also pretty painful. May have to make a trip to the doctor about that one not sure. I have learned to push past it. So, I pushed through and made it I ran for the the entire 3.1 no walking!!! WOHOO!!! I am so excited about my accomplishment. Just a little over three weeks ago I had not ran a mile since middle school when you had to run "the mile", even then I was not able to run the entire time. Now I am running 3, crazy to see how far I have come in such a short amount of time. The body is an amazing thing. It is sounds so cheesy but after a workout I feel so empowered, like my body is made to do this. I love it. The pants are amazing. I did not have to touch them through both workouts. They were worth every penny, which is saying a lot because they were lots of pennies. I hope to get another pair sometime in the future.

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